Legal mentions

The site is operated by the company: 
Trade name “LE VIVANT”
Share capital: 3,000 EUROS.
Headquarters: 34 avenue Ledru Rollin 75012 PARIS. 
RCS number: 878 595 057 R.C.S. Paris

The publication director is Herman Ozgan.
The site is hosted by the company OVH SAS whose head office is located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.


Site technical credits: FROMSCRATCH


It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination from possible viruses circulating on the Internet.


In accordance with regulation n ° 2016/679, known as General regulation for data protection (RGPD) and the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified relating to data processing, files and freedoms, data to personal data collected by the company are the subject of a declaration to the company’s Data Protection Officer (DPO). They are exclusively for internal company use.
Personal data collected by the company can be collected for different purposes.
Mainly it is about:
 Management of information requests.
Creation, Manufacturing and sending of a personalized product.

The dats are kept for the duration of the relationship established with the client, and up to a maximum of 3 years after, depending on the nature of the relationship concerned.
 The datas thus collected will not be transferred, exchanged or rented.
In accordance with the aforementioned texts, the customer has a right of opposition, access, rectification, deletion, limitation or portability relating to the data concerning him.
These rights can be exercised by contacting Aleida Flores, IT and Freedom Correspondent, 34 avenue Ledru Rollin 75012 PARIS, specifying in the subject line of the letter “Personal rights” and attaching proof of identity:

  • either directly by email: contact[a]
  • either by writing to: Aleida Flores, IT and Freedom Correspondent, 34 avenue Ledru Rollin 75012 PARIS



The creation of hypertext links to the site is subject to the prior agreement of the director of publication.
The hypertext links established towards other sites from the site can not, in any case, engage the responsibility of LE VIVANT and the director of the publication.


The presentation and reproduction of each of the elements, including the brands and logos that appear on the site are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property.
 Reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of pages, data and any other element constituting the site by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes without authorization from the publisher an infringement.


The Terms of use are intended to define the general conditions of use of the LE VIVANT Site.
 The use of the site and the fulfillment of any order are subject to the acceptance of these Terms of use. The user guarantees to be capable and of full age.
 Access to and use of the site are reserved for strictly personal use. You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political, advertising purposes and for any form of commercial solicitation and in particular the sending of unsolicited e-mails.
 All the texts and images presented on the site are reserved, for the whole world, under copyright and intellectual property rights; their reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited without the formal agreement of LE VIVANT.
 Any use in any way whatsoever of the Seller’s brand or its derivatives is prohibited.


LE VIVANT may use “cookies” to optimize your use of the site.
 A cookie is a small text file placed on the user’s hard drive that allows LE VIVANT to improve the site. A cookie does not identify the User. However, it records information relating to the browsing of the user on the site (pages viewed, time of viewing, etc.) that LE VIVANT can read during subsequent visits by the user.
The internet user can oppose the registration of cookies by configuring their computer for this purpose.


LE VIVANT offers its users to send photographs of your LE VIVANT achievements via the “Your achievements” section on the site.
 You can also publish content on social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) using the @levivantparis, #levivant tag.
The author of the photography cedes, definitively, free of charge and without compensation, to the company LE VIVANT PARIS SAS, without reserve and for an unlimited period, the rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation of the said photograph worldwide.