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Ollas Champi Colorful


Eco-friendly clay pot water reservoir. Once tucked in soil, it solely supplies what plants need. Hand-made in France.

Designed for medium-sized plants, with autonomy of 3 to 6 days depending on the type of plant.

Color : Dark green
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What your plants and pots need

Unlike mass producers’ techniques, the manufacturing of our “Champis” Ollas aligns with the tradition of hand-crafted quality: an ancestral and eco-friendly watering technique.
The Olla naturally and effortlessly adapts to your pots.
Warning: expect hallucination and addiction! ☺  The “Champi” Olla is a drug you can admire with no limit and is good for health.


What are terracotta reservoirs ?

The olla is an ecological and economical watering system. The terracotta ollas are water reserves that are placed in the pots, on the periphery of the plant in order to irrigate them independently. Water diffusion occurs by capillary action thanks to the porosity of the clay and occurs deep at the root level. The plant draws only the water it needs.

In addition to being practical, terracotta ollas are also very aesthetic thanks to their varied design and different colors.

Tip for Watering Plants While on Vacation with an olla

Terracotta ollas are a simple and practical solution for watering your houseplants while you are away. Their operation is very easy and requires only a few simple steps.

Step 1: The first step consists of planting the tip of the olla in the ground, on the periphery of the stem of your plant.

Step 2: Lift the lid of the olla and fill it with water. Close the lid to seal the olla, prevent water evaporation and let your plant hydrate with complete peace of mind.

Step 3: Once installed, simply monitor the water level in the olla from time to time and wait until it is completely empty before filling it again.

By using the terracotta ollas, you can be sure that your plants will be hydrated while you are away at their own pace and without stress. The autonomy of ollas varies depending on the type of plant and lasts between 3 and 7 days.

Carte cadeau 30€ - Ollas en terre cuite - Le Vivant

Where to buy our Champis?

If you are looking for designer and fun ollas for your plants, you are in the right place. At “LE VIVANT”, we offer a wide range of terracotta ollas made in an artisanal way.

LE VIVANT ollas are shaped like mushrooms and are called “Les Champis or Papa Champis”. They are shaped like mushrooms and come in two sizes. The Champis ollas for medium-sized plants with a capacity of 17 cl and the Papa Champis intended for large plants with a capacity of 50 cl.

Why this Mushroom shape for our ollas?

Our inspiration was born from what we call “mycorrhizal symbiosis” between a plant and a fungus which is a mutualistic symbiosis with reciprocal benefits.

Our mushroom-shaped terracotta ollas are a great gift idea for any plant lover. We offer several gift cards, view them here.

Télécharcher le guide

👉 Guide des ollas en terre cuite

Additional information

Weight 0,340 kg
Dimensions 8 × 12 × 8 cm

Light green, Navy blue, Peacock blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Burgundy, Dark green, Lilac, Old pink, Orange


Clay and enamels


15 cl

Plants size



3 to 6 days. Please note that not all plants have the same water needs.

Made in



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